Forming Future Catholic Priests in a ‘Pentecostal World’: Challenges and Prospects

  • John Segun ODEYEMI


Modern Ecumenism and Pentecostalism are two different phenomena which have occurred in the Christian world in the last hundred years. Even though Pentecostalism was criticized initially by the established churches as theologically unsystematic, lacking in doctrine and dogma, yet its appeal and rate of growth remain undeniable, giving birth to a totally new ecclesial community. This growth is now recognized and acknowledged among the World Council of Churches as perhaps the new ‘Pentecost’ of our age. Some make the claim that Pentecostalism will be the new face of Christianity within a few decades and into the next millennium. Using Nigeria as a template, this essay investigates the relationship between Pentecostalism and Catholic seminarians in formation. These seminarians will be priests within an existing but fragile ecumenical union. Hence, there is the need for a framework by which one can critically explore Pentecostalism’s future challenges and prospects vis-à-vis future Catholic priests.
