The Problem of African Philosophy in the Face of Globalization

  • Okoloye, Andrew Onyekachi, PhD
Keywords: African Philosophy Globalization


The problem of African response to the challenges of globalization becomes a serious task. This paper sees a dilemma in the life of African on how to blend the pristine African Culture with the trends of globalization. It poses a grave problem to the life of Africans on how to take good things of globalization and still maintain the uniqueness of his cultural identity. The paper intends to adopt the method of analysis to critically extract from the available literature to see how the people of today would look into the face of future generation and cannot explain why they are not known as a people with their own distinct culture and philosophy. Globalization has led to cultural degradation in Africa and this can be seen in the declining use of African languages and waning of their traditional practices and ideology. Africans can get rid of the undesirable effects of globalization by appreciating what they have, like their traditional philosophy, world-view and culture, as well as their family sharing of folktales with its consequent moral teachings.
