Welcome to Academic Journals Online (ACJOL)

Academic Journals Online is an indexing outfit that indexes academic journals from different academic institutions and associations/societies. ACJOL simply creates a great opportunity for the online visibility of research and researchers, and gives free open access to scholarly researched works. ACJOL, as an indexing outfit is open to a large pool of multi-disciplinary learning resources, hence, offers distinct benefits to students, researchers, institutions, universities, governments and businesses. It ensures the assignment of Digital Object Identifier to Journals from the International Organization for Standardization. ACJOL was founded in 2018.

Our Partners

  • Patristic Institute, Augustinianum Library, Rome, Italy
  • Augustinian Institute Library, Nigeria
  • Nnadiebube Research Institute (NRI)
  • Igwebuike Research Institute (IRI)
  • University of Nigeria, Nsukka
  • Conference of Major Superiors of Nigeria
  • Federal College of Education (Technical) Umunze
  • Imo State University
  • Tansian University Umunya
  • Nnamdi Azikiwe University
  • Association for the Promotion of African Studies
  • Villanova Polytechnic Imesi Ile
  • Association for Universal Moral Education in Nigeria
  • All Saints Seminary, Ekpoma
  • Spiritan University Nneochi
  • Association of Professional Philosophers of Nigeria
  • Saint Augustine's Major Seminary, Jos
  • Saints Peter and Paul Major Seminary, Bodija, Ibadan
  • University of Jos
  • Saint Albert the Great Major Seminary, Abeokuta, Ogun State
  • Veritas University, Abuja
  • Good Shepherd Major Seminary, Kaduna
  • Saint Albert Institute, Fayit, Fadan-Kagoma, Kaduna
  • Good Shepherd Major Seminary, Kaduna
  • African Philosophy Students Association
  • Political Philosophers Association of Nigeria
  • Ebonyi State University, Abakiliki
  • Seat of Wisdom Major Seminary, Ariam, Umuahia
  • Kogi State University, Ayigba
  • Federal University of Lafia, Lafia




    Ideal International Journal, IgboScholars International Journal and Ékwé Jọnal are the brain children of Igbo Scholars Forum born out of the zeal to get the young Igbo scholars together so as to start thinking like Igbo sons and daughters through paper publications, meetings and symposia. As a matter of fact, Igbo Scholars Forum was founded by Prof. Onukwube Alexander Alfred Anedo and born at the launching of a festschrift in honour of their life patron, Prof. Obed Muojekwu Anizoba (Ozonwa) of the Department of African & Asian Studies, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria on the 15 th day of December, 2012. In his kind gesture, Prof O. M. Anizoba established a website http://www.igboscholarsforum.com.ng (which they later upgraded to https://www-biafuluigboscholarsforum-com-ng.com ) for them to use in telling the world who the Igbo people are, about their life, what they believe in and their relationship with people and other cultures of the world outside theirs.


    This journal explores the rich tapestry of African life and religion, also delving into the diverse cultural traditions, spiritual beliefs, and societal dynamics shaping the continent. From ancient to modern and contemporary practices, we unravel the complexities of faith, identity, and community within the African context, offering insightful analyses and thought-provoking perspectives on the intersections of religion, culture, and daily life.

  • IGWEBUIKE: African Journal of Arts and Humanities

    Igwebuike: An African Journal of Arts and Humanities is a journal published by the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Tansian University, Umunya. IAAJAH is purely dedicated to the publication of original academic papers in the areas of the Arts and Humanities. Results of research are presented as fresh theories, hypotheses, and analyses of new ideas or discoveries. Extensions of existing theories and review of books of this nature are also covered within the standard range of this journal. The journal has a vision to put Africa and African intellectuals on the global map. However, this does not imply that non-Africans cannot publish in it.

  • Nnadiebube Journal of Philosophy

    Nnadiebube Journal of Philosophy (NJP) is a peer-reviewed biannual journal that publishes well researched scholarly articles on general Philosophy and Philosophy related researches within African Studies and the field of Humanities.  NJP is a publication of Nnadiebube Research Institute LTD/GTE (former Nnadiebube Academy of Philosophy, Social Sciences, Humanities and Educational Research,-NAPSSHER) in affiliation with the Department of Philosophy, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka-Nigeria. NJP is published in loving memory of Rt. Rev. Msgr. Martin OkekeMaduka who championed, in his lifetime, the cause of inculturation in Igbo-African society.

  • AMAMIHE Journal of Applied Philosophy

    AMAMIHE: Journal of Applied Philosophy (AJAP) is published by the Department of Philosophy, Imo State University, Nigeria. AJAP is purely dedicated to the publication of original academic papers in the area of Philosophy. Results of research are presented as fresh theories, hypotheses, and analyses of new ideas or discoveries. Extensions of existing theories and review of books of this nature are also covered within the standard range of this journal.


    WEISHEIT PHILOSOPHICAL JOURNAL ARIAM (WEPJA) is a philosophical journal from the Seat of Wisdom Seminary, Ariam Umuahia. The word “Weisheit” is the German language word for "Wisdom." Apart from the practical considerations of choosing a name that has not already been taken by earlier and older philosophical journals, the choice of that word for this journal's name is not accidental. Philosophy, as coined by Pythagoras “Philo ta Sophia,” is defined most basically as “the love of Wisdom.” Besides the more obvious link to our Seminary's name, the choice of the German “Weisheit” has several levels of significance.

  • OCHENDO: An African Journal of Innovative Studies

    Ochendo: An African Journal of Innovative Studies is a journal published by the Association for the Promotion of African Studies. OAAJIS is purely dedicated to the publication of original academic papers that border on innovative studies. Results of research are presented as fresh theories, hypotheses, and analyses of new ideas or discoveries. Extensions of existing theories and review of books of this nature are also covered within the standard range of this journal.


    AKSU Journal of Arts is an annual publication devoted to publishing articles relevant to the development of education in the areas of Arts and Humanities. Articles in any of the regular disciplines of the Humanities: Language, Linguistic, Communication Arts, History, Theatre, Performing or Creative Arts, History and Diplomatic Studies or International Relations, Philosophy, Religious and Cultural Studies, Law, Sociology, Education, Political Science etc., are peer-reviewed before publication. Book reviews and commentaries pertinent to humanistic studies are also considered for publication.

  • THE CATHOLIC VOYAGE : African Journal of Consecrated Life

    The Catholic Voyage, founded in 2004, is an academic journal, published annually by the Conference of Major Superiors of Nigeria (men and women). The journal is destined primarily for consecrated men and women, clergy and persons in religious institutes‘ Formation houses in Nigeria and, hopefully, in other parts of Africa. The readership is also the lay faithful interested in deepening their knowledge about the vocation, the life and the mission of consecrated persons. The contents of the journal, thus, should strive to educate, inform and form readers. In the message it transmits, it strives to propagate ― "the good, the true and the beautiful" (John Paul II, Ecclesia in Africa, n.124).


    IGBO SCHOLARS FORUM, Nigeria with Head Quarters at the Department of African & Asian Studies, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria, has three international Journals all of which are multidisciplinary aiming to search, collect, analyze and evaluate Igbo/African thoughts and beliefs as it concerns Humanity and her world of Science, Religion, Politics, Education, Medicine, Economy, Social life, History, Law and Order, Culture and Civilization, Engineering, Business relations, Comparative politics, strategy and environment, Public policy, Language, Philosophy, etc. She also intends to find out how Igbo/African culture could relate with other cultures of the world for greater world peace and security.


    Crowther Journal of Arts and Humanities (CJAH) is a multi-disciplinary publication committed to the articulation and promotion of excellent ideas and thoughts dedicated towards the recognition of the immense contribution of Arts and Humanities towards solving societal problems. It aims to promote knowledge and interaction within Humanities but can as well accept scholarly works in Social Sciences and general researches with interest in interdisciplinary studies. The editors are inspired by the need to assemble well-researched papers and reviews in theoretical and applied research, which treat topical issues in diverse areas of the humanities. In the choice of articles for publication, consideration is given to quality, originality, proper organization and presentation of facts as well as to the clarity and accuracy of the facts presented.

  • AQUINO | Journal of Philosophy

    AQUINO Journal of Philosophy (AJOP) is a publication of the Department of Philosophy
    University of Nigeria, Nsukka
    . The objective of the journal is to publish original articles and research findings in traditional and emerging fields of philosophy which explore not only the various thematic dimensions and traditions of the discipline, but also themes that painstakingly deal with the practical relevance of philosophy in different aspet of human endeavor.


    ESTAGA: Journal of English Language and Literary Studies (EJELLS) is an academic journal affiliated with the Department of English Language and Literary Studies at the University of Jos. It serves as a platform for scholars, researchers, and academics to publish original research in the fields of English language and literary studies. The journal is dedicated to advancing the understanding of the English language and its literary expressions. It welcomes a wide range of articles, including but not limited to, linguistic studies, literary criticism, language pedagogy, and interdisciplinary research that intersects with English studies.


    Ékwe Jọnal nke ndị IGBO SCHOLARS FORUM,Nigeria na-akpọku ndị odee nwere ederede e nyochere ma dezie nke ọma n’ihe gbasara Igbo na ndị ya, ka ha wete ha ka e bipụtara ha n’Ekwe Jọnal.. Anyị na-anabata ederede na atụmaatụ ọbụla metutere ọdịmma ndị mmadụ, asụsụ, ekpemekpe, agụmakwụkwọ, mgbaragwụ na mkpakwụkwọ, Akụkọntọala, Akụnaụba, Mmekọrịta mmadụ na ibe ya, Omenala, Nkanaụzụ, Mmekọrịta azụmahịa, Ọchịchị, Gburugburu, dgz. Zite akwụkwọ gị dịka akpaozi ntado nke ikuku site n’akara ozi ikuku a: igboscholarsforum@yahoo.com maọbụ i bipụta ya n’akwụkwọ ụzọ abụọ ma zigara ya otu onye n’ime ndị nhazi Jọnal a.ụdị nrụakaebe ihe ndị e legere anya n’ide ederede anyị ga-anabata bụ MLA agba nke asaa. Jọnal a bu n’obi ịdị na-ewepụta akaọrụ ya kwa.

  • Oracle of Wisdom Journal of Philosophy and Public Affairs (OWIJOPPA)

    OWIJOPPA is a publication of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Tansian University, Umunya, Anambra State, Nigeria. It was founded in 2017 by Dr. Ejikemeuwa J. O. Ndubisi. OWIJOPPA welcomes original and well-researched articles from all areas of philosophy and other related disciplines.

  • Journal of African Studies and Sustainable Development

    The Journal of African Studies and Sustainable Development (ISSN Online: 2630-7073; Print: 2630-7065) is a journal published by the Association for the Promotion of African Studies. JASSD is purely dedicated to the publication of original academic papers in the areas of the Arts and Humanities. Results of research are presented as fresh theories, hypotheses, and analyses of new ideas or discoveries. Extensions of existing theories and review of books of this nature are also covered within the standard range of this journal.

  • Journal of Development Communication And Applied Theatre

    The journal of Development Commination and Applied Theatre is fundamentally interdisciplinary in orientation and tailored to disseminate research information in the core areas of Development Communication, Community Theatre, Theatre in Education, Drama in Education (DIE) Children's Theatre, Creative Dramatics and other related areas. It is published four times in a year. The board receives articles all year round for assessment/review. Articles are published after positive assessment has been received from the reviewers and in some cases; prescribed corrections have been made by the authors.


    ESTAGA Journal of Philosophy, Arts, and Humanities is an academic publication that focuses on interdisciplinary research in the fields of philosophy, arts, and the humanities. It typically features scholarly articles, critical essays, and reviews that explore topics such as ethics, aesthetics, cultural studies, literature, history, and the theoretical underpinnings of art and culture. The journal aims to foster intellectual discourse, engage with contemporary issues, and contribute to the understanding of human thought, creativity, and cultural expression. Its audience includes academics, researchers, and students in related fields.

  • JORAS - Nigerian Journal of Religion and Society

    The Nigerian Journal of Religion and Society (JORAS) is an annual Journal published by the academic staff of Good Shepherd Major Seminary, Kaduna. Its primary aim is to advance reection on relevant and concrete questions pertaining to the oft times thorny relationships of religion and society. Each author carriers responsibility of his/her ideas expressed.

  • AKU: An African Journal of Contemporary Research

    AKU: An African Journal of Contemporary Research (ISSN: 26814-0761 (Print) 2814-0753 (e)) is a journal published by the Association for the Promotion of African Studies. AAJCR is purely dedicated to the publication of original academic papers on contemporary issues. Results of research are presented as fresh theories, hypotheses, and analyses of new ideas or discoveries. Extensions of existing theories and review of books of this nature are also covered within the standard range of this journal.


    VERITAS JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES (VEJOH) is the journal of the College of Humanities, Veritas University, Abuja, whose philosophy is predicated on the four cardinal pillars of Afroconstructivity, Humanity, Society and Development. It is a multidisciplinary academic journal dedicated to the publication of original and well researched academic papers in the areas of Arts, Humanities and the Social Sciences. It is open to articles in History, International Relations, English, Linguistics, Philosophy, Religious Studies, African Studies, Literature, Anthropology, Sociology, Gender and Development Studies. Articles are received from scholars within and outside the African continent. The Journal is published biannually including book reviews.


    Alimi Journal for Arabic Studies is an annual journal provided to our dear readers with the hope to getting
    intellectual facts and current research findings, specifically in the fields of language and literature and in the humanities at large. The readers shall discover within this journal, articles of experts and experienced writers
    in the academic field, those who are majorly university and college lecturers


    Philosophy and Praxis is a Journal of The Association of Philosophy Professionals of Nigeria (APPON), formally NPA. The journal is a forum for the publication and dissemination of well-researched and original articles, discussions and reports in philosophy and related disciplines. While no theme is a priori excluded from publication, preference is given to articles which explore the bearing of philosophical theories to socio-cultural, political, economic and historical life and problems, especially as these relate to Africans both in the continent and in Diaspora.


    The Nasara Journal of Philosophy (NAJOP) is an international peer- reviewed journal of the Department of Philosophy, Federal University Lafia. It is established to provide academics and researchers a desired platform to publish their latest research findings to a wider audience. To this end, the journal welcomes high quality/well-researched works from any area of Philosophy, the Humanities and the Social Sciences.

  • OHAZURUME - Unizik Journal of Culture and Civilization

    Ohazurume: Unizik Journal of Culture and Civilization is a multi-disciplinary annual publication committed to the articulation and promotion of excellent ideas and thoughts on the Igbo heritage and African civilization. The editors are inspired by the need to assemble well-researched papers and reviews in theoretical and applied research, which treat topical issues in diverse areas of IgboAfrican existence and development; Igbo-African worldview and values; Igbo-African symbols and institutions, Igbo-African situation and globalizing, and in the dissemination of research reports as tools for learning.


    The Nnamdi Azikiwe Journal of Philosophy NAJP is a peer reviewed biannual Journal publishing valuable contributions on any aspect of Philosophy. NAJP invites the submission of articles, book reviews, discussions, responses and notices from professional philosophers. It is particularly interested in publishing contributions by new authors who pursue their academic development. The principal aim of NAJP is to promote philosophy and development as well as the best of the living African philosophical and scientific tradition, especially the school of analytic African philosophy. NAJP is edited and published by the Department of Philosophy, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria.

  • NJIKO: A Multi-Disciplinary Journal of Humanities, Law, Education and Social Sciences

    NJIKO, a Multi-Disciplinary Journal of Humanities, Law, Education and Social Sciences (NMJHLESS) is a peer reviewed Journal publishing valuable contributions on any aspect of the concerned disciplines. NMJHLESS invites the submission of articles, book reviews, discussions, responses and notices from professional philosophers and scholars. It is particularly interested in publishing contributions by authors who pursue their academic development. The principal aim of NMJHLESS is to promote knowledge and development.


    FLASH: JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY, RELIGION & PEACE STUDIES is a broad based and multidisciplinary reading. It primarily aims at publishing scholarly articles in philosophy religion and peace studies. However, it recognizes the gains of multi-disciplinary approach to scholarship and the need to enrich academic discourse through cross fertilization of ideas. The Journal therefore welcomes scholarly well-researched articles in the humanities and the various specialized sciences. Book reviews, new publications and advertisements are also welcomed.


    The RSU Journal of Theatre and Film Studies (RSUJTFS) - ISSN: 3043-5706  - is a prestigious online academic peer-reviewed journal from Nigeria, dedicated to advancing the fields of Theatre and Film Studies. Published thrice annually, the journal has established itself as a significant platform for scholarlydiscourse

  • ESSENCE: Interdisciplinary- International Journal of Concerned African Philosophers

    The Journal came into existence in 1996 as a multidisciplinary Journal of Philosophy, evolved and graduated into special issues dealing with the multifaceted challenges of Existence and Being. From Lagos State University where I was raised as an academic to Nnamdi Azikiwe University where I was made a professor, Essence has been a very influential forum for thinkers and professional philosophers in Nigeria, Africa, and the world in general. It has been a veritable avenue for interrogating philosophical questions and problems from different traditions and cultures, while essentially aiming at promoting African philosophy and philosophy in Africa.

  • Nnadiebube Journal of Social Sciences

    Nnadiebube Journal of Social Sciences (NJSS) is a peer-reviewed open journal that publishes well researched scholarly articles on general Social Sciences and other related researches within African Studies and the field of Humanities. NJSS is a publication of Nnadiebube Research Institute, (NRI). NJSS is published in loving memory of Rt. Rev. Msgr. Martin Okeke Maduka who championed, in his lifetime, the cause of inculturation in Igbo-African society.


    The Journal of Religion and Human Relations (JORAHR) is an academic journal with focus on religious and human relations issues, but accommodates researches from other disciplines within academic spectrum. The African continent is the main focus.

  • Nnadiebube Journal of Education in Africa

    Nnadiebube Journal of Education in Africa (NJEA) is a peer-reviewed open journal that publishes well researched scholarly articles on general Education and other related researches within the ambient of African Philosophy of Education.  NJEA is a publication of Nnadiebube Research Institute, NRI,  (former Nnadiebube Academy of Philosophy, Social Sciences, Humanities and Educational Research-NAPSSHER), in affiliation with the School of Education, Federal College of Education (Technical), Umunze, Anambra State. NJEA is published in loving memory of Rt. Rev. Msgr. Martin Okeke Maduka who championed, in his lifetime, the cause of inculturation in Igbo-African society.  

  • Nnadiebube Journal of Religion, Culture and Society

    Nnadiebube Journal of Religion, Culture and Society (NJRCS) is a peer-reviewed biannual journal that publishes well researched scholarly articles on general Philosophy and Philosophy related researches within African Studies and the field of Humanities.  NJRCS is a publication of Nnadiebube Research Institute LTD/GTE (former Nnadiebube Academy of Philosophy, Social Sciences, Humanities and Educational Research,-NAPSSHER) in affiliation with the Department of Philosophy, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka-Nigeria. NJRCS is published in loving memory of Rt. Rev. Msgr. Martin Okeke Maduka who championed, in his lifetime, the cause of inculturation in Igbo-African society.


    APPON PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY journal is a publication of Association of Philosophy Professionals of Nigeria (APPON). The journal is interested in topical issues in all areas of philosophy but special consideration may be given to issues in epistemology and philosophy of science. Contemporary practical and imaginative issues that sell philosophy as pivotal to development are highly welcome. It however, encourages discussions that bind theory and practice in both Western and African epistemologies and sciences. Papers are accepted for publication throughout the year. As a quarterly journal, three issues are expected to be published annually.


    Jos Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture (JJOLLAC) is a peer-reviewed, online journal dedicated to publishing research on a full range of topics related to Nigerian languages, literatures and cultures in all areas. It welcomes high quality well-researched original manuscripts on theoretical, descriptive and experimental aspects of areas within its scope of coverage. It is a publication of the Department of Linguistics and Nigerian Languages, Faculty of Arts, University of Jos, Nigeria.


    ESTAGA: Journal of Interdisciplinary Perspectives (EJIP) publishes articles and creative works that facilitate conversation on research, theory, fiction, concepts, and practice on a range of topics across diverse educational, sociopolitical, artistic, and cultural contexts. The Journal is broad in scope, seeking articles, essays, brief reports, fictional work as well as multimedia contributions. We are committed to open-access and online diffusion of experts providing credible, nuanced and thought provoking information and perspectives around issues of public interest.The journal seeks to cultivate a conversation among scholars, researchers, activists, educators, policy-makers, and practitioners. The editors welcome well-conceived and well-written articles in English that advance our understanding and knowledge of issues germane to the public.


    African Journal of Contextual Theology (AJCT) is published annually by the Spiritan International School of Theology (SIST), Attakwu- Enugu, Nigeria. It is one of the means through which SIST contributes to the dialogue between the Gospel and the cultures of different peoples. Through a uniquely systematic thought pattern, its aim is to use the experiences of peoples in their political, socio-economic and religious contexts as a source for theology, and to make theology an interpretative framework for cultural practices and experiences. It hopes through this means to accompany individuals and religious communities in their journey of faith through life.


    We are pleased to introduce to you the Nigerian Journal of Philosophical Studies (NJPS). A Publication of Association of Philosophy Professionals of Nigeria (APPON) which by this edition is bringing to the reading public and to the community of thinkers a compendium of freshly baked and intellectually stimulating articles by very reputable scholars.


    African Education Indices publishes scholarly papers/articles on current research findings, book review and relevant issues in diverse aspects of education in Africa. Manuscripts are submitted via our email papers4wesoeduonline@gmail.com. The papers/article must be in the style and procedures described in the Publication Manual for the American Psychological Association (APA) and must have an abstract of about 150-200 words which must give the reader an idea and scope of the paper/article. Browse our website, www.globalacademicgroup.com for more information and our published journals. Journal of African Education Indices is indexed in acjol.


    The Nigerian Journal of Research and Production is published bianually. It is published in April and December of every year. Contributors may submit their manuscripts to Prof. B.U. Machuewesi through the email nigerianacademicforum@gmail.com with the evidence of payment of the assessment fee. The paper should be typed using 12 font size on A4 paper with double line spacing The abstract should not be more than 200 words on a separate sheet. The manuscript should not be more than 15 pages including references. Use the latest APA Reference style. The title page should contain the topic, name of the writer, address, phone number and e-mail address. Published papers can be accessed through our website www.globalacademicgroup.com. You may also visit www.arronet.info for the indexing.


    The Journal for Translation Studies in Nigeria (JTSN) is the official annual journal of the Translation Studies Association of Nigeria. Its vision is to offer a high-level publication outlet to scholars from Nigeria and beyond who are researching into translation and interpreting to disseminate their work in order to advance the field of Translation and Interpreting Studies in Nigeria and to place Nigeria in the discourse on translation and interpreting globally.


    Jos Journal of Religion and Philosophy (JJRP) is a journal published by the Department of Religion and Philosophy, University of Jos. JJRP is purely dedicated to the publication of original academic papers in the areas of the Religion and Philosophy. Results of research are presented as fresh theories, hypotheses, and analyses of new ideas or discoveries. Extensions of existing theories and review of books of this nature are also covered within the standard range of this journal. The journal has a vision to put intellectuals on the global map.

  • Nnadiebube Journal of Languages and Literatures

    Nnadiebube Journal of Languages and Literatures (NJLL) is a peer-reviewed biannual journal that publishes well researched scholarly articles on general Philosophy and Philosophy related researches within African Studies and the field of Humanities.  NJLL is a publication of Nnadiebube Research Institute LTD/GTE (former Nnadiebube Academy of Philosophy, Social Sciences, Humanities and Educational Research,-NAPSSHER) in affiliation with the Department of Philosophy, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka-Nigeria. NJRCS is published in loving memory of Rt. Rev. Msgr. Martin Okeke Maduka who championed, in his lifetime, the cause of inculturation in Igbo-African society.

  • Lafia Journal of Religion and Humanities (LAJRAH)

    LAJRAH is published once annually by the Department of Christian Religious Studies, Federal University of Lafia, Nasarawa State, Nigeria. It is an international and doubleblind peer-reviewed journal which publishes original, quality and contemporary research findings in the field of religion in particular and humanities in general. The major plank of the publication is to promote academic study of religions in theoretical and practical perspectives. However, multi- disciplinary research works that link religion to other fields of human endeavor are welcome and considered for publication.

  • Tansian University Journal of Arts, Management & Social Sciences

    Tansian University Journal of Arts, Management and Social Sciences (TUJAMSS) is a multidisciplinary journal committed to the promotion of excellence in the theoretical, conceptual and empirical research. Research articles are invited from interested scholars and researchers within and outside the academic community.


    The IBE journal of philosophy is an international peer-reviewed journal of the Department of Philosophy, Kogi State University, Anyigba. It is established to provide academics and researchers a desired platform to establish their latest research findings to a wider audience. To this end, the journal welcomes high quality well-researched works from any area of Philosophy, the Humanities and the Social Sciences.

  • Tolle Lege: An Augustinian Journal of Philosophy and Theology

    TOLLE LEGE: An Augustinian Journal of Philosophy and Theology is a publication of the Augustinian Institute, Makurdi. It is purely dedicated to the publication of original academic papers in the areas of Philosophy and Theology. Results of research are presented as fresh theories, hypotheses, and analyses of new ideas or discoveries. Extensions of existing theories and review of books of this nature are also covered within the standard range of this journal. The journal has a vision to put Africa and African intellectuals on the global map. However, this does not imply that non-Africans cannot publish in it.


    JOS STUDIES is a journal published annually by St. Augustine's Major Seminary Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria with special interest on the Church in Africa. The 2020 edition of our journal explores Pope Francis’ typical and heartwarming style in a period in the world when there is a dearth of quality leadership, one that truly cares about people. The hope is that his gentle but coherent witness will inspire other leaders and would be leaders; after all people who have integrity inspire us all. The contributions in this edition largely revolve around this concern.


  • PJPJOPH - Pope John Paul II Journal of Philosophy and the Humanities

    Pope John Paul II Journal of Philosophy and the Humanities (PJPJOPH) is a publication of Pope John Paul II Seminary Okpuno, Awka. It is a peer reviewed interdisciplinary journal for well researched papers in the broad areas of philosophy and general humanities. It provides a viable repository for cutting edge and ground breaking researches for promotion of academic excellence.


    Philosophy and Theology Journal of the Catholic Major Seminary of All Saints, Uhiele, Ekpoma. The EKPOMA REVIEW is the fruit of genuine and scholarly desire to contribute to knowledge within the spectra of philosophy and theology. It is situated within the ambience of an academic community of purpose-driven research and formation towards the preservation, sustenance and handing on of core social, religious, cultural and historical values. This journal relies on the wheels of philosophy and theology to convey succinct and apt debates and issues bordering but not limited to the humanities.


    ÌJÍRÒRÒ is an African philosophy students’ journal of philosophy. The word ‘ìjíròrò’ is a Yoruba term for ‘conversation’ or ‘deliberation’.It is chosen because the journal is geared towards bringing in African philosophy students, (post)graduates and undergraduates alike, into academic conversations for the ultimate goal of adding to the existing body of knowledge and possibly proffering solutions to the existential problems in our society. Accordingly, the journal is first African, because it accentuates African wisdom. It is for students, because it is geared towards making the voice of students heard in the African dispensation – soro soke!


    Philosophia Politica: Journal of African Political Philosophy and Leadership is an internationally blind peerreviewed journal published by the African Political Philosophers Association in collaboration with the Political Philosophers Association of Nigeria, PPAN; the South Africa Political Philosophers;the Political Philosophers of Ghana; the Political Philosophers of Tanzania; the Political Philosophers of Kenya; and the Political Philosophers of Zimbabwe. This journal publishes scholarly articles in any aspect of leadership in Africa, especially economic, legal, social, political leadership and governance in Africa. It publishes in June and December. This special edition focused on philosophical analyses on the COVID-19 pandemic in Nigeria. This was why this edition was named Philosophy and Covid-19 Pandemic in Nigeria.

  • BODIJA JOURNAL | A Philosophico-Theological Journal

    BODIJA JOURNAL is a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary scholarly journal published by the Major Seminary of Saints Peter and Paul, Bodija, Ibadan. It examines various topical issues in Philosophy and Theology, especially as they relate with the African continent. It provides the platform for publication of scientific papers written for the purpose of advancing academic research. Manuscripts are judged on the topic, intellectual and scientific content, clarity of the presentation and concurrence with the identity of the institution.

  • AGORA - A Journal of Philosophical & Theological Studies

    AGORA JOURNAL is a peer-reviewed journal of St Albert the Great Major Seminary, Idowu Offonran, Abeokuta, Ogun state, Nigeria. AGORA is a forum for academics and researchers in Philosophy, Theology and other related disciplines, to present their well-researched and scholarly articles to a wider audience. Only articles that reflect the characteristic rigour of philosophy, theology and their related disciplines will be accepted for peer-review and subsequent publication.


    Albertine Journal of Philosophy is a Journal of the Department of Philosophy, St. Albert Institute, Fayit-Fadan, Kagoma, Kafanchan, Kaduna State, an Affiliate of the University of Jos, Plateau State. It is a peer-reviewed journal established to provide academics, scholars and researchers an avenue to publish the latest research in their different fields of studies with the aim of providing a broad-based and current thinking in the area of philosophy and the humanities. This is in pursuance of the vision of producing well rounded, morally and intellectually capable graduates by broadening their information base beyond and outside their areas of specialisation.

  • JATREP - Journal of African Traditional Religion and Philosophy

    The Journal of African Traditional Religion and Phylosophy (JATREP) is purely dedicated to the publication of original academic papers in the areas of theArts and Humanities. Results of research are presented as fresh theories, hypotheses, and analyses of new ideas or discoveries. Extensions of existing theories and review of books of this nature are also covered within the standard range of this journal.

  • SAGS Series

    SAGS SERIES is a publication of the St Albert the Great Major Seminary (SAGS) Idowu-Offonran Abeokuta, Nigeria. The Series is the perspective of the Seminary on certain societal issues. The attack of coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19) triggered the birth of this Series. A mini-conference was organized on Tuesday April 21, 2020 on how the Church can continue her formation and ministry alongside covid-19 pandemic.

  • Multidisciplinary Journal of Education, Research and Development

    Multidisciplinary Journal of Education, Research and Development (MUJERD) is a Multidisciplinary Journal published by School of Education, Federal College of Education (Technical), Umunze, Anambra State, Nigeria. This multidisciplinary approach is necessitated by the fact that present day research is becoming interdisciplinary in nature. There is need for this approach to reinvigorate and improve teaching and learning in the field of Education. Our journal is meant to promote exchange of ideas and encourage multidisciplinary approach to issues in and around the world.

  • Vocational and Technical Education Journal

    Vocational and Technical Education Journal (VOTEJ) is a publication of the Faculty of Vocational and Technical Education, University Of Nigeria, Nsukka. VOTEJ is a scholarly research publication where current and emerging issues in vocational education are discussed. Manuscripts considered for publication are well articulated, useful and relevant to the field of vocational education and other related fields.

  • Villanova Journal of Science, Technology and Management

    VJSTM is a bi-annual Villanova Journal of Science, Technology and Management. The Journal is primarily concerned with publishing research articles, reviews, and innovations in diverse fields as Science, Engineering Technology and Management. Opinions espoused on any issue are that of the writer(s) and do not reflect the view of the Editorial Board. However, copyright on any article published here is vested in the publisher.

  • Villanova Journal of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities

    Villanova Journal of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities is a publication of Villanova Polytechnic, Osogbo. It is purely dedicated to the publication of original academic papers in the areas of social sciences and humanities. Results of research are presented as fresh theories, hypotheses, and analyses of new ideas or discoveries. Extensions of existing theories and review of books of this nature are also covered within the standard range of this journal. The journal has a vision to put Africa and African intellectuals on the global map. However, this does not imply that non-Africans cannot publish in it.

  • Aumen Journal of Moral Education in Africa

    AUMEN Journal for Moral Education in Africa, (AJMEA) is a peer-reviewed biannual journal that publishes well researched scholarly articles on general ethics and morality related researches within African Studies and the field of moral education.  AJMEA is a publication of Association for Universal Moral Education in Nigeria (AUMEN) in affiliation with Association for Moral Education (AME), a non-profit International Organization that was founded in 1976 to provide an interdisciplinary forum for professionals and practitioners interested in the moral dimensions of educational theory and practice. It supports self-reflective educational practices that value the worth and dignity of each individual as a moral agent in a pluralistic society. The Association for Universal Moral Education Nigeria, AUMEN, is a part of the global Association for Moral Education which has membership in 34 countries. AUMEN is for the formation of an integral personality through character formation and general discipline.