The future of any nation depends largely on the educated and skilled individuals, they are responsible for the development of the nation and are the greatest resources the nation can ever boast about, not oil, agriculture, gross domestic profit etc. It is the people that develop the nation and not just the availability of natural resources, Nigeria is a typical example because in spite of the available human and natural resources the nation still remains in a quagmire due to corruption and looting of public funds. This problem is further complicated by the scourge of the migration of Nigerians to developed nations, which has led to brain drain in many aspects of our life as a nation. The magnitude of the migration of experts and talented citizens threaten to constitute a clog in the overall development of Nigeria. This study therefore intends to reveal that national growth and development cannot be realize when there is a high level of migration of experts from Nigeria. The paper shall further expose the causes of this endemic movement of Nigerians on the basis of corruption which has led to an increase in unemployment and cruel economic state. It further will reveal the effect of migration on different aspects of the nation. The paper shall conclude that national development cannot be achieved if this growing trend of migration of competent Nigerians overseas is not curtailed. It shall attempt to identify all that must be put in place to ensure the provision of suitable platform and basic opportunity for individuals to explore their ingenuities in the life of the nation.