About the Journal

AKU: An African Journal of Contemporary Research (ISSN: 26814-0761 (Print) 2814-0753 (e)) is a journal published by the Association for the Promotion of African Studies. AAJCR is purely dedicated to the publication of original academic papers on contemporary issues. Results of research are presented as fresh theories, hypotheses, and analyses of new ideas or discoveries. Extensions of existing theories and review of books of this nature are also covered within the standard range of this journal.

SUBMISSION: All manuscripts must be original (hence, not under consideration anywhere) and submitted to the editor in MS word format via e-mail: africanstudies20@gmail.com or ikee_mario@yahoo.com.  The entire work can range from two to fifty double-spaced pages with a concise title, abstract, and a standard scholarly citation: do not place page numbers or paper title (on each page) on the manuscript; articles (or parts of articles) in English will be considered. All submissions must list the author's current affiliation and contact points (location, e-mail address, etc.). Regarding REFERENCING style, APA is the preferred style. Camera ready manuscripts will receive first preference in the publishing cycle. All manuscripts are peer-reviewed and those approved by the editorial board will be published.

Generally, Editors should be able to reach a decision including recommending corrections if any or acceptance of any paper within two weeks of receipt which is communicated to the author subsequently. Authors are, therefore, advised to avoid needless correspondences. Contributors would receive a copy of the journal but additional copies may be obtained at the normal price. All correspondences including subscription and sponsorship to the Editor via: africanstudies20@gmail.com or ikee_mario@yahoo.com. All manuscripts must be submitted electronically through the e-mail to the editor at africanstudies20@gmail.comor ikee_mario@yahoo.com.

 Copyright: Copyrights for articles published in AAJCR are retained by the authors, with first publication rights granted to the journal. The journal/publisher is not responsible for subsequent uses of the work. It is the author's responsibility to bring an infringement action if so desired by the author.

SUBSCRIPTION: Please e-mail your subscription order (only for print copy) to the editor at africanstudies20@gmail.com  or ikee_mario@yahoo.com.