About the Journal
Nnadiebube Journal of Religion, Culture and Society (NJRCS) is a peer-reviewed biannual journal that publishes well researched scholarly articles on general Philosophy and Philosophy related researches within African Studies and the field of Humanities. NJRCS is a publication of Nnadiebube Research Institute LTD/GTE (former Nnadiebube Academy of Philosophy, Social Sciences, Humanities and Educational Research,-NAPSSHER) in affiliation with the Department of Philosophy, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka-Nigeria. NJRCS is published in loving memory of Rt. Rev. Msgr. Martin Okeke Maduka who championed, in his lifetime, the cause of inculturation in Igbo-African society.
Nnadiebube Journal of Religion, Culture and Society (NJRCS) is in both print and online versions. It is an institutional as well as an open access journal. It is indexed by ACJOL at juno.anyi@gmail.com
Guideline for Authors
- Authors are to submit originally researched manuscripts not under publication consideration in any publication. Noncompliance would lead to rejection of manuscript.
- Manuscript should be single spaced, not exceeding 4000words reflected in font type Times New Roman size 11 with current APA or Chicago Citation referencing style. Diagrams and tables should be minimal.
- Manuscript is to have a cover page reflecting: title of paper, author’s name, institutional affiliation, email address and phone number. The second page should contain paper title, abstract and key words. This is followed by the main body of the paper beginning with introduction.
Submission of Manuscript
Manuscripts are to be sent electronically to nnadiebube62philosophyjournal@gmail.com
Published By
Nnadiebube Research Institute
Plot 13, Road 24, Ngozi Estate, Phase 1,
Awka, Anambra State
Printed By
SAADA Publications